Tasks and Reminders Overview
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut nulla tortor, feugiat a congue eget, tempus eu odio. Pellentesque vel luctus sem. Curabitur vel tristique nisi, vitae feugiat nulla. Mauris ut orci orci. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum in placerat sem, eu mollis odio. Nulla viverra risus et felis finibus, eu pharetra felis tristique. Aenean elementum pellentesque urna, ut iaculis ex dignissim sit amet. Duis ac condimentum diam. In venenatis mauris nunc. Curabitur sodales dignissim sapien, at cursus justo ultricies a. Sed lobortis lectus ligula, quis imperdiet nisi fermentum et. Etiam neque turpis, blandit vitae purus a, vehicula elementum metus. Nullam tempor lectus id orci gravida, ut fermentum odio varius. Quisque consequat sit amet est pulvinar viverra.
REVLY Tasks and Reminders Software
SOGo, (formerly named Scalable OpenGroupware.org,) is a powerful Groupware solution providing webmail, calendars, contacts, and synchronization with desktops and mobile devices. SOGo is not a stand-alone system. It requires integration will other software components to be fully functional.
REVLY Task and Reminder Protocols
Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV)is an extension of the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol(HTTP) that allows clients to perform remote Web content authoring operations.
The WebDAV protocol makes the Web a readable and writable medium. It provides a framework for users to create, change and move documents on a server; typically a web server or web share. The most important features of the WebDAV protocol include the maintenance of properties about an author or modification date, namespace management, collections, and overwrite protection. Maintenance of properties includes such things as the creation, removal, and querying of file information. Namespace management deals with the ability to copy and move web pages within a server’s namespace. Collections deal with the creation, removal, and listing of various resources. Lastly, overwrite protection handles aspects related to locking of files.