Unified Management Interface (UMI)

The Unified Management Interface (UMI) is a collection of tools for administering the REVLY Server. The UMI provides the ability to create and manage users, domains, and groups and assign services in a hierarchal manner. The UMI is available as a command line tool (REVLY client) and a web based interface (Web client). The REVLY client is a useful tool for system administrators. The web interface is useful for managers, administrators and users.

REVLY Client

The REVLY client is a useful tool for system administrators. It can be manually used for day-to-day tasks or it can be controlled by programs written in a scripting language for migration or integration with other systems. Please see the UMI API guide for details on integrating with custom applications. 

Interactive Mode

Start the REVLY client in interactive mode with the following command:

$ revly

You will be prompted to enter the password for the current user. You can specify a user and optionally provide a password with -u and -p arguments.

$ revly -u someuser -p  somepassword

The REVLY client accepts commands in the form of sentences similar to natural language. A very basic example would be the command to pause a user's access:

revly> pause user john@example.com

The above command is a simplified version of a spoken command which might be told to an employee. “REVLY, pause the user john@example.com.”

The following is a small collection of examples for day-to-day tasks:

Create a sub-group of the root group with access to email, groupware, and instant messaging services.

revly> create group example parent root service email groupware im

Create a domain in the example group with access to email, groupware, and chat services.

revly> create domain example.com group example service email groupware im

Create a user of the example.com domain with a name and password and access to email, groupware, and chat services.

revly> create user john@example.com name 'John Doe' password 'passw0rd' service email groupware im

Create an email alias of the example.com domain and redirect email to another address. 

revly> create alias info@example.com destination 'john@example.com'

Change the password for a user

revly> edit user john@example.com change password 'paSSw0rd'

Non-Interactive Mode

You can use the REVLY client in non-interactive mode by issuing a command at the same time as starting the REVLY client.

$ revly -u someuser -p  somepassword “some command”

REVLY Web Client

The web interface is useful for managers, administrators and users. It provides a basic set of tools to manage domains, aliases and user accounts. Access the web interface at the following address:

http://<Server hostname or IP address>/admin

Login for the first time with the following information:

username: root 
password: Enter the root password you set when installing REVLY OS.

For more information on using the web interface, view the page for Web Interface Documentation.

For information on using the command line interface, visit the page for Command Line Documentation.